International Association of Cultural and Digital Tourism (IACUDIT) is a global network of people, projects and events, that bear on a wide range of issues of concern and interest in cultural and digital tourism, in an era of major global changes. We promote and sponsor discussion, knowledge-sharing and close cooperation among scholars, researchers, policy makers and tourism professionals. We believe that: “Technological changes do not influence the missions of cultural tourism actors in the areas of promotion and product development, but rather the manner of carrying them out.”
IACUDIT’s core operations are funded by membership fees, meeting registration fees, event sponsorship and partnership fees. Meeting and conference content, including contributed issue panels, workshops, and research and plenary sessions are determined by independent evaluators selected from the diverse membership of the Association.
Not for Profit Organization
IACuDiT is an independent and Not for Profit Organization (NPO), with the purpose to conduct business for the benefit of the general public without shareholders and without a profit motive (i.e., if any profits are earned, they are not and cannot be distributed as such). IACuDiT is activated in the field of culture, tourism and digital innovation, with an objective aimed at the public good.
IACuDiT governance is regulated by local, state and federal laws, such as Law 78 ΑΚ(GR), AYO 131481/ 7043/ΠOΛ. 1282/23-12-1992, article 22 of Law N. 2859/2000. The public benefit determination and registration as a legal entity was vested in the court at 19/12/2013. IACuDiT is a qualifying entity under the Section 501(c)(3) of the portion of the US Internal Revenue Code that allows for tax exemption of nonprofit organizations, and Section 22 of Law N. 2859/2000 (GR).