The International Association of Cultural and Digital Tourism (IACuDiT) is a global network of people, projects and events that bear on a wide range of issues of concern and interest in cultural and digital tourism, in an era of major global changes. IACuDiT is a nonprofit international association which values creative, ethical and progressive action aimed at the improvement of global hospitality and tourism research on cultural and digital issues.
IACuDiT brings together a wide range of academics and industry practitioners from cultural, heritage, communication and innovational tourism backgrounds and interests. It mainly promotes and sponsors discussion, knowledge-sharing and close cooperation among scholars, researchers, policy makers and tourism professionals. It is based on the notion that: “Technological changes do not influence the missions of cultural tourism actors in the areas of promotion and product development, but rather the manner of carrying them out.” It provides its members with a timely, interactive and international platform to meet, discuss and debate cultural, heritage and other tourism issues that will affect the future direction of hospitality and tourism research and practice in a digital and innovational era.
We are proud of our major strategic achievements for the decade 2013-2023, which include the following:
IACuDiT acts as a resource in forming public policy relevant to the tourism economics, and related issues of public concern, such as gastronomy, wine tourism, sustainability, religion tourism and ICT applications in tourism , and many other issues regarding cultural heritage in a digital world. It also promotes the science of cultural tourism by providing services as may be appropriate to advance tourism development and outcomes research and educational activities, and provides recognition of individual achievement in the field of cultural and digital tourism and outcomes research.
The Future is a subject of enduring fascination – impossible to predict, yet necessary to anticipate. We want to help in the process of meeting the needs and travel demands of world populations if we are to swiftly move towards a sustainable travel culture in the years to come. For that purpose, we undertake the commitment to our members by listening to their needs, and by putting and keeping them in contact.
Dr.Vicky Katsoni,
Professor of ICT Applications in Tourism Marketing Management,
Dept. of Tourism Management
University of West Attica, Greece.